campmeeting | across the generations
One thing I know for sure is that pictures grow in value as time marches on.
12 summers ago, on the hottest day I can remember, I made the drive to Catawba, NC to my friend Catherine’s beloved campmeeting, ten 249 to take some pictures. There I captured her spirited grandmother “Ma Gaye” who traipsed around showing us all the places she used to come as a little girl. I took pictures of her with her hair damp with sweat, singing loudly the hymns of her youth, and some pictures with Catherine and her mama (3 generations!). When Ma Gaye died a few years back the pictures became irreplaceable treasures, as the memories of being at campmeeting with her were captured for generations to come. They are to date some of my favorite pictures I’ve ever taken.
Fast-foward to this summer. I got invited back to take pictures of Catherine’s children running around with their cousin, drinking out of the fresh spring, under the tree their great, great grandparents met, bare feet and ice cream cones, visiting on the porch, popsicles, scraped knees, visiting with the neighboring tents, and 3 generations on the porch swing. My favorite part was when they gathered in the meeting tent and sang their hearts out. As their voices wafted into the sticky, warm air, honestly I needed someone to pinch me I felt like I was dreaming. I was tickled to death to find their tent decked out in laminated pictures from our session with Ma Gaye along with treasured pictures of the past. To come full circle and see the generations enjoying this special place will always have a special place in my heart.
Love your family well, as they wont always be around, and for goodness sake, take some pictures! You will never regret it.
If you’d like me to help tell your family’s story, reach out to set up a session! There’s no time like the present!

12 years later…