Helen Joy’s Photographer Blog
drew kate | love takes root
A month ago I was there when my beautiful nearly 10 pound niece came into the world. Drew Kathrine "Drew Kate". Throughout the 60 hours of labor I saw my sister transform into a mother in the most obvious and out of body way. Throughout her labor as I watched her, I would suddenly flash back to her girlhood and that same freckled nose that I love so. My sister was the picture of strength and patience and trust.
I also was able stand back and watch the love between my sister and brother in law take root deeper than ever during the process.
Since she lives several states away, I waited 2 weeks before going back for a second visit. I think in my big sister, "experienced" mother of 3 mind, I thought I would go and help them with some of the inevitable chaos of the twighlight newborn phase.
Instead I was welcomed into a haven of sweet sweet bliss. It was hours of staring and heart melting sighs (as it should be) and lots of letting the little things go. I also saw my brother in law as an attentive, proud father (a transformation I wasn't there to see since I left the birth room soon after the birth). It was seriously the sweetest 23.5 hours with them.
Throughout the day I managed to capture some of my favorite newborn pictures to date.
the birth of eli | on the farm
Two years ago I attended the home birth of a beautiful, wide eyed baby boy named Zeek. Less than two years later, I found myself attending the birth of Zeek's sibling on the farm this sweet family has been making their home.
This birth was attended by seasoned local midwife Jan, who has a dear place in my heart and in the hearts of women all over this area.
These are some of my favorite parts about this birth:
Walking around and adventuring with Zeek while we waiting for mama's labor to really kick up a notch.
The daisy that his baby hands picked for his mama and that she labored next to.
Baby lambs jumping everywhere and the beautiful green of summer drenching the outdoors.
Finding out they had another son.
Sharing cookies in bed with mama after the hard work was done.
Doula dog Mckenna who was also a great doula dog for Zeek's homebirth.
The support of the women who attended. I just love all the gentle hands in the pictures and I was there and know that great feeling of sisterhood that was floating throughout the room.
That moment when during the newborn exam, mama and daddy snuck into the background to snuggle their first baby.
Curious almost 2 year old wonder at new brother.
Jan's beautiful old hands and new baby feet.
The moment when I caught Jan telling Zeek all about being a big brother.
The moment I caught of mama taking her bath and Jan just chatting away about goat breed on the tub's edge.
Daddy's strong hands.
This homebirth was pure magic.
This birth was attended by the midwives at New Dawn Midwifery , ladies near and dear to my heart.
Darling Hadley Dean
I was able to sneak in some pictures while visiting one of my very dearest friends last month. My friend Rebekah is just the essence of femininity. It flows from her heart and is not forced. I just squealed in delight when she found out her second baby was a little girl. Hadley Dean, is much like her mama. Sweet and feminine and just an absolute doll.
So happy to have been able to capture this fleeting time for them.
Even in the midst of chaos with 2 babies under 18 months...I know it is so very well with their souls. www.helenjoy.com